Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Create Custom Video Training Playlists & Lesson Plans

Delivering Customized Training Playlists

Build and deliver custom lesson plans using multimedia

When it comes to a lesson plan or training plan composing all the content can be a big investment. The nice thing about using the BizideoEnterprise system is you can reuse elements, combining the ones you need to fulfill a customized playlist.

How Does This Work?

·         You create a video, audio, image or document of part of a lesson plan. Be sure to set up your content like you would chapters in a book so that you can combine things later.   
·         Once you have a library of content created you can start using it to create customized playlists.
·         As you need more content be sure whatever you create is something you can reuse.               
An Example

Learn how Bizideo can help you deliver customized video learning / training plans to your clients.
You don't have to be a big business
to have access to the same tools they do.
Sandra is a personal trainer, she wants to help her clients get in shape but they don't always have time to come into her office. She wants to make sure that they have access to the exercises they need while at home or on the go.

To start off Sandra has picked 10 videos she'd like to make that she feels most of her clients will benefit from.            
1.       Arm Stretches
2.       Basic Back Exercises   
3.       Calming Breathing
4.       Cardio 101   
5.       Good Posture                              
6.       Lower Body Stretching              
7.       Meditation Basics
8.       Tips for Drinking Enough Water               
9.       Walking Correctly       
10.    Yoga 101

Next Sandra uploads the videos to her account, and starts planning out customized Playlists.

She can either upload all her basic videos to 1 general public playlist, she can use these items to create custom playlists for each client or she can use keywords to tag each item and generate a playlist for users based on that.

Let's say she does the second option and starts making customized playlists. She can reuse all the content she's uploaded by just republishing it and creating separate subscriptions for her clients to log into.  Now Sandra can use those 10 videos to start an unlimited number of playlists as she needs. 

An example of how those videos can be used across multiple client playlists. Each playlist is still personalized to meet that client’s needs.

See how often Sandra can reuse the Meditation Basics Video? She could easily add it to unlimited playlists depending on the needs of her company and her clients.

What’s Next?

Once you have your foundation library down you can keep producing content, and expanding based on what feedback you get from your clients. Maybe your system needs more videos about Blackfoot Cultural Practices, Setting up Outlook on Windows 8 or How to Stretch Safely While Pregnant… This is what you want to happen; you want to get feedback so you know what content your users need.

Once you have a need fulfill it.

You can start off producing most videos on your own and hire professionals as funds permit. Remember plan out your videos and in the outline split complicated items down into chapters. You want your videos to be relatively short and easily labeled so users can jump exactly to what they need.

What If I Have Required Content?

Like many lesson plans in school many times you need to make sure that users complete something before you can allow them to advance to more complicated content. This isn’t an issue, we have helped set up required steps in lesson plans before and would be happy to discuss your needs. We can easily require that a user complete viewing content, or downloads an item, submits an item or completes a quiz before they are allowed further access. You can even receive notification as users complete certain media items, allowing you to follow up as you see fit.

Questions? Would Like to Discuss Setting Up a Learning Portal?

Please feel free to contact us at or give us a call at (507) 382-2054, you can also contact us through our website if you prefer.