Thursday, April 25, 2013

Creating a Better Password

Helpful Password Tips

It’s surprising how many people on the web will use 1 password for everything, or will use rather weak passwords for high security systems. To help with the creative challenge of coming up with a password you’ll remember, but that isn't “123password”, here are some tips.
  • Never use “password” in your password
  • Use capitalized and lowercase letters (A = capitalized, a = lowercase)
  • Use at least 1 number in your password
  • Never use your name as your password
  • Be sure to set your password reminder!
  • Try combining some of your favorite things

Ex: Your favorite food + your favorite number + your favorite author + the number of times you’ve left the country (You don’t have to use this formula just know what the formula is and use that as the password reminder)

If all else fails don’t be afraid of using a generated password protected by a password tool. We like to suggest to our users LastPass. It’s free, highly reviewed, and works great. ( However like with any decision you should research your options. There can be a lot of benefit to using a password vault, especially if you have a lot of accounts however in the end the decision is yours.