Tuesday, June 11, 2013

3 Ways To Make Video Work For You

3 Ways To Make Video Work For You

3 Ways to Make Video Work for You
Using Bizideo you can add Video Testimonials,
Video Instructions and  Video Introductions to
 reach future customers.
Just having a website is no longer enough to stand out from your competitors, now the quality and content of your website are what can mean the difference between getting that first contact from a potential customer or not. Video is a great way to help reach future customers with a information, they can watch it on their desktop or their mobile device and don't have to filter through all your site text to reach what you want them to. Here are some quick video use tips for those of you looking to spice up your website.

Video Testimonials

Testimonials are always a wonderful way to show your quality as a service or product provider. It allows those looking for your solution to see how you've helped others and therefor how you might be able to help them. Video testimonials take it to the next level, allowing them to put a face to the person leaving praise on your website.

Video Instructions

From putting together a dresser to installing new software, video can be a welcome guide through any process. It takes the guess work out of whether or not you are reading something correctly, and gives users a pause-able visual walk through.

Video Introduction

The next best thing to meeting every potential customer in person to describe your product or services is to do it by video. They can see your face, and hear your message. Even better you can include visuals to help explain what's going on. Taking communication to the next level.